[ cybersecurity /: ]

Threat Intelligence

Based on the integration of information sources (own or third party) we can provide our clients with compromise indicators that are used in the Mexican and Latin American context to improve and strengthen the company’s information security posture.


Through the integration of different technologies, we create a service offer based on the support of a platform for the processing, storage and correlation of events from different sources/protection technologies, at a fraction of the cost of other competitors in the market and with the aim of providing solutions tailored to our customers.

Ethical Hacking

We carry out security diagnostics for our clients, these include different types of services, such as: Pentesting (penetration tests), Application Review (Application Pentest), Risk Analysis, Benchmarks against best practices and industries, etc.

Specialized consultancy

Derived from our experience in cybersecurity projects, we can advise our clients on the evaluation, design and implementation of strategies, standards, regulations, etc. local and international.

[ Data Analytics /: ]

Strategic IT Consultancy

Due to our participation in complex IT projects, we have a solid base to advise our clients on strategic projects that support technological/digital transformation and innovation models. This, whether from a business or technology perspective.

Data Analytics

Through the integration of different technologies, we create a service offer based on the support of a platform for the processing, storage and analysis of events from different data sources. The objective is to be competitive with other tools in the market and focus on making tailored suits for our clients.

Elasticsearch® partner

We are a partner/redistributor of Elasticsearch® technology in Mexico; therefore, we can also support the process of designing, implementing and exploiting the capabilities of said tool for our clients.